Mental Health Notification
January 2020
Dear Pleasant Ridge Families,
Our staff cares about the mental health of our students. If you think your child may need additional mental health support, we want to help you get started. This letter contains information about how to access mental health services on our campuses and in our community.
Our on-site School Psychologists do not generally provide ongoing therapy for students, but they can help you find the resources your student needs.
If your child is in crisis, every community provides a free 24-hour crisis service. Crisis counselors can help in an emergency (for example, if your teen is suicidal), and they will help you find ongoing support after the crisis has passed. If your family is facing domestic violence, there are additional 24-hour crisis lines dedicated to help. Contact numbers for crisis services in Grass Valley, Auburn, and Nevada City are listed in our “Local Mental Health Resource” list.
Many families use their medical insurance to pay for mental health services. You can contact your insurance company to request a list of providers who specialize in work with children or teens. Some insurance plans, like Medi-Cal, cover the cost of therapy completely. Ask your insurance company whether your plan includes a deductible or co-pay fee. Therapy may be more affordable that you think.
If you’re able to pay for counseling out of pocket, your options are extensive.
Ideally, you can ask people you trust for recommendations. Your child’s doctor may be a good place to start. Your pediatrician can help identify any underlying medical issues and refer you to counseling support (they often have recommendations). Some medical clinics even offer counseling on site. Free and reduced-cost medical and mental health organizations are listed below the crisis contact numbers on our resources page.
Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do to help support your child’s mental health.