Parent Communication #2

Dear PRUSD Families,

I hope this letter finds you and your family in good health and high spirits. As we embark on the fourth week of the academic year, I wanted to take a moment to touch base with you and provide some important updates regarding academic success, managing illness, and school safety.

Early Childhood Education:

The importance of play for our early childhood age children. Based on Pamela Li’s article, “The Importance of Play in Early Childhood” (2023), there are nine factors that come out of play. The nine factors are stimulating early brain development, increasing intelligence, sparking creativity, improving verbal communication, promoting emotional regulation, growing empathy, better overall health, learning “life” lessons, and being able to transition better between other people outside of their family.  As educators, we see each one of these factors grow exponentially when students learn how to play and play every day. Engage in play with your children every day.    

Academic Success:
We are thrilled to see the progress our students have made in the past few weeks. They have shown remarkable dedication and enthusiasm in their studies, and we are confident that with continued support from both home and school, they will achieve great academic success. We encourage you to maintain open lines of communication with your teachers, as they are always available to address any concerns or offer guidance to ensure your child's academic journey is a fruitful one.  Furthermore, communication with your child nightly is essential for you to understand if your child is tracking with the lessons that are being taught.  You may need to be specific with your questioning about how their day went with their progress.  Take time every night at the dinner table or before they go to bed to check-in. 

Managing Illness:
As we all know, the well-being of our students is of utmost importance. With an increase in the flu virus or colds, it is crucial that we work together to manage illness effectively. We kindly request that you keep your child home if they are displaying symptoms such as fever, cough, or sore throat. By doing so, we can collectively maintain a safe and healthy environment for everyone. Should your child need to stay home, please reach out to their teachers to arrange for any missed assignments or remote learning opportunities.

School Safety:
Ensuring the safety and security of our students is our top priority. We want you to feel confident that your child is in a secure and nurturing environment. While dropping off or picking up your child(ren), please be patient and courteous to other drivers and staff who are helping deliver your child to you.  If you are staging to pick up your child at the schools, please do not cut in front of others who are already in line or drive around the staged line.  This is frustrating to others who are following the flow of traffic.  This not only puts others in an unsafe situation but may actually harm you.  Please follow the school’s pick-up and drop-off protocols.  If you do not know what they are, please contact your school’s office.

Digital Awareness:

PRUSD parents and staff have developed a committee to discuss and focus on the importance of monitoring children’s digital daily use or “screen time”.   They have and will continue to provide amazing resources so I can pass them on to you.  This will be an ongoing topic for this school year. 


From the article, “Can too much screen time harm you?” (NIDA, 2018), there are five things you can do to unplug from excessive screen time.  First, screen time limits by tracking your time on any digital device. Second, turn off the screen 30 to 60 minutes before going to sleep.  You will feel better rested in the morning and more alert. Next, do an activity without using a digital device.  Spend time with friends, outdoors, or enjoying a hobby. Fourth, exercise! Not only will your body thank you but your brain.  Finally, keep a journal of how excessive screen time will cause you to respond or feel.  If you find yourself or your children addicted to your personal device or the TV, seek help. 


It is essential that we are mindful of how much time we spend on our digital devices as it does impact us negatively.



  1. Parent-Teacher Conferences: Parent-teacher conferences are scheduled for October 2-6. This will be an excellent opportunity to discuss your child's progress, strengths, and areas for growth. Details on how to sign up for a conference slot will be coming soon.


  1. Volunteer Opportunities: We encourage parents who are interested in volunteering to get in touch with our Parent-Teacher Clubs (PTC). Each school site has an active group of parents who are integral in the school culture and the success of students. If you are interested in joining the PTC, please inquire at your child’s school office or you can get more information under the parent tab on the school’s website.  Your involvement makes a significant impact on our school community.


  1. Counseling Corner
  • Love & Logic Parenting Classes (Starts September 6, 2023 @ Cottage Hill Elementary)

            Contact Mrs. Neeb at 530-268-5376 if interested in attending or needing more information

  • Middle Grades September Counseling Newsletter located in Magnolia Counseling Corner


  1. Job Openings:
  • Bi-lingual Aide (Spanish Speaking) – Cottage Hill
  • Special Education Para-Educators – Alta Sierra, Magnolia, District


  1. Calendar of Events:

September       4th                    NO SCHOOL (Labor Day)

                        6th                        Cross Country @ Weimar – 3:30 PM

                                                Love & Logic Parenting - 5:30 PM                       

                        10th -16th         National Suicide Prevention Week (Lifeline 988)

                        11th                  Cottage Hill Picture Day

                        13th                     Cross Country @ Union Hill – 3:30 PM

                                                Love & Logic Parenting - 5:30 PM

                        20th                 Cross Country @ Colfax – 3:30 PM

                                                Love & Logic Parenting - 5:30 PM

                        27th                  “I Fall for Reading” Family Night @ Arete 5:30 PM



As always, we are here to support you and your child throughout their educational journey. If you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your schools. We value your partnership and appreciate your continued trust in our school community.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday weekend!

