Summer Communications 23-24

Summer Communication 23-24

Dear Parents,

 I hope this message finds you and your families with a restful and enjoyable summer break.  As we are planning for the 2023-2024 school year, I would like to take this opportunity to share what has happened this summer as staff are getting each of the schools ready for the first day of school. 

As always, I want to express our sincere appreciation for your unwavering support and trust in our schools.  We recognize the vital role you play as parents and guardians in your child’s education and success.  It is the partnership between parents and the school communities that will assist your child in making their dreams and hopes a reality.  Each of our schools believes in fostering an inclusive and supportive learning environment, where every child can thrive and reach their potential.  Our dedicated staff is passionate about providing a well-rounded education that nurtures academic, emotional, and physical growth each day. 

This summer we held our second year of RISE summer school where 5th-7th grade students were able to receive intensive support in English and Math.  Students were offered an elective where each student made three projects in the woodshop.  The three elementary schools offered Expanded Learning Opportunities on each of the campuses through a week-long camp.  Students were able to experience a variety of activities and field trips. 

For the 2023-2024 school year PRUSD will continue to offer classes to support academic, physical, and emotional support through specialized classes like intervention/support classes K-8 grades, enrichment classes like music K-5 and band 4-8 grades, and two full-time district counselors that will support not only academic achievement but also emotional support. 

PRUSD continues to develop students in treating one another with kindness and respect.  This year each school will engage in an initiative for an anti-bullying campaign, “See Something…Say Something”.  Students will be encouraged to speak out against students who mistreat or bully other students.  Each employee will be trained in how to intervene with such negative interactions.  Communication will be ongoing throughout the school year to encourage families to have conversations with their children about how to engage with one another positively.  Coupled with “See Something…Say Something”, students will engage in the “Why Try” program where students will learn skills in positive relationship building, emotional regulation, resilient mindset, problem-solving, and responsibility. 

Communication and collaboration between the school and parents are paramount to the success of our students.  We ask that you continually have an ongoing dialogue with your children and children’s teachers about their growth during the school year.  The involvement of each member of the education team for each child will make a significant difference in their overall growth and development.  Together, we can create a positive and enriching educational experience that will shape a successful future. 

As we embark on this new school year, we look forward to a productive and rewarding partnership with you.  The school offices will open on August 1st for any questions that you may have.  Class assignments will be posted on August 14th.  Enjoy the remainder of your summer.




Rusty S. Clark

